Donations are the lifeblood of our organization. OSPSP provides scholarships of up to $2,400 per year to moms and dads who are full-time college students with primary custody of their children. Our scholarship is unlike others because the scholarship money is unrestricted. Parents use our funds for daycare, rent, food — whatever needs they have — to help them care for their children, stay in school, earn degrees and establish financial independence. Your donation will help OSPSP award approximately $72,000 in scholarships annually and a variety of support services such as mentoring to each student recipient.
Oklahoma Single Parent Scholarship Program created an endowment with the Oklahoma City Community Foundation in 2023 with an initial gift of $35,000 from one charitable donor. With the generous support from the Kirkpatrick Family Fund and several other donors, the endowment has grown to over $100,000. The endowment began for the purpose of ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth of OSPSP.
Our goal for the endowment remains the same as it was at the inception of the endowment:
Funds generated will be used to strengthen the organization's capacity to help low-income single parents increase their education levels and improve their ability to care for their families. We will use endowment-generated funds as a reliable source for future operational support. While donations directly to OSPSP is necessary for our current day to day operations and scholarship opportunities, donations to the endowment are just as important for our longevity.
Please consider donating to the OSPSP Endowment and help us to continue to prosper and grow for the future.